Procurement Fraud

Goods and Services Procurement

The federal government spends billions on a huge range of goods and services, everything from paper clips to public works projects to Defense Department weapons systems. Suppliers, vendors and contractors who fail to “turn square corners” in their dealings with the government may be liable under the False Claims Act. Federal contracts are governed by a vast array of contract provisions and regulations, such as the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS). The types of procurement fraud are varied and complex. They include:

  • overcharging through false, inflated or duplicate invoices
  • crosscharging or co-mingling contracts
  • performing services or providing goods that are substandard or defective
  • violating contract or regulatory specifications
  • defective pricing
  • bid-rigging
  • corruption (bribes, kickbacks, collusion)
  • failing to follow contract specifications.

Because the reach of government spending is so enormous, the False Claims Act provides an important tool to empower whistleblowers to prevent the theft or misuse of public funds. Let Kreindler & Associates help you achieve the justice you desire by evaluation your allegations of fraud.