Being a whistleblower is heroic, but stressful.
We’re here to help.

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Our clients are heroes. They choose to do what’s right against tremendous odds and under great pressure.

At Kreindler & Associates, we know that being a whistleblower is stressful business. Standing up for what is right is often a lonely and difficult task. Rather than being treated as the heroes that they are, whistleblowers are often persecuted by those engaged in fraud and by those too afraid to take a stand against wrongdoing. That’s why we provide an unparalleled level of service, support and legal assistance for our whistleblower clients. Our practice is national in scope, and we file cases throughout the country.

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    How Can We Help?


    Healthcare Fraud


    Procurement Fraud


    Tax Fraud


    SEC/CFTC Fraud

    our mission

    Being a whistleblower can feel like David taking on Goliath.
    We help level the playing field.

    Kreindler & Associates’ law practice is dedicated exclusively to representing whistleblowers who are willing to take a stand against unscrupulous corporations that are ripping off federal and state governments. Whether the fraud involves Medicare, military procurement or another government function, we pride ourselves on the high level of support and outstanding legal assistance we give to our clients.

    Recent blog posts

    Whistleblower Exception Allows Disclosure of Patient Records Under HIPAA

    Whistleblower Exception Allows Disclosure of Patient Records Under HIPAA

    If you have ever worked in the medical field or been to a medical professional, you likely have some understanding of the term HIPAA, which refers to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. HIPAA is a ubiquitous statute that affects the healthcare industry while protecting personal medical information of patients. Healthcare providers and insurers regularly deal with HIPAA and standard operating procedures and policies which are in place to ensure compliance and to avoid disclosing protected health information (PHI). So, in layman’s terms, sharing health information belonging to other parties is a no-no.

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    The All Circuit Review Act Passed Into Law

    The All Circuit Review Act Passed Into Law

    On July 7, 2018, President Donald Trump signed the All Circuit Review Act into law, which made permanent a program established by the Whistleblower Protection Act of 2012. This provision makes it possible for whistleblowers to appeal decisions of the Merit Systems...

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    The Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act

    The Motor Vehicle Safety Whistleblower Act

    Everything you need to know. Although whistleblowers have several means in place already to report corporate fraud to the federal government, including the False Claims Act (the IRS whistleblower program) and the CFTC and SEC whistleblower programs, a new law is on...

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