REGINA D. “gina” poserina
We have provided personalized, knowledgeable representation to whistleblowers for over 30 years.
Gina Poserina represents both whistleblowers and employees throughout the United States. She is based in the Philadelphia, PA area, licensed in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and admitted to the United States Supreme Court, the Third and Eight U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals, and federal courts in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Middle District of Pennsylvania, and District of New Jersey.
A retired nurse, Gina files qui tam cases under federal and state False Claims Act matters, SEC whistleblower cases, and lawsuits under state employment whistleblower statutes. Prior to Kreindler & Associates, Gina was Of Counsel at Cohen, Milstein Sellers & Toll PLLC, and Begelman & Orlow P.C., where she represented whistleblowers and whistleblowing employees. Gina has presented on whistleblower topics to members of the Federal Bar Association, The Anti-Fraud Coalition (formerly Taxpayers Against Fraud), and the National Employment Lawyers Association (“NELA”).
A graduate of Villanova University College of Nursing and Temple University Law School, Gina is an avid fan of all things Philly, college basketball, and NCAA March Madness. Gina and her husband are parents to three adult children. She spends her free time traveling, paddling on an award-winning dragon boat team, volunteering in the community, and knitting.